Special Session

Special Session on Emerging Applications of Intelligent Computing System for Sustainable Technologies

Session Chair

Dr. Aditya Khamparia
Lovely Professional University

With the advancement and invent of Computational sustainability there is a need to optimize our available distinguished environmental resources using methods from engineering, mathematics and computer science. Computational efficient and effective intelligent systems play a crucial role in development and enhancement of sustainable computing. Recent advances in integrated deep driven AI based applications, Big data, Smart sensors and Green Computing technologies making our systems more reliable, powerful, efficient and more sustainable. With the emerging challenges and opportunities, the intent of proposed special session is to report recent advances, applications, roles and benefits of intelligent computing systems in Sustainable technologies. This will provide the opportunity for research community across the globe to share their ideas on these newly emerging fields of sustainable technologies.

Topics of Interest

We invite original (un-published) research contributions based on the above-mentioned theme including following topics but not limited to:

  1. Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning for sustainable computing.
  2. Big data analysis for sustainable computing.
  3. Senor network for environmental monitoring.
  4. Internet of Things for Sustainable computing.
  5. Smart Sensors, Grids and scheduling platforms for sustainable computing.
  6. Data Processing and Vision Analysis in Sustainable Computing.
  7. Evolutionary and Swarm intelligence for sustainable computing.
  8. Cloud enabled techniques and innovation for sustainable computing.
  9. Data Security and Network Privacy in sustainable applications.
  10. Social Networking for sustainable computing.
  11. Mathematics, Physics and Agricultural monitoring systems for sustainable computing.
  12. Powerful optimized algorithm for achieving intelligence through sustainable technologies.

Paper Submission Process

Please submit your paper (in word format) at aditya.khamparia88@gmail.com with 'Special session on Emerging Applications of Intelligent Computing System for Sustainable Technologies' mentioned in the subject line.